Dr. M. Shahidul Islam is a Professor of Physical Geography in the Department of Geography and Environment of Dhaka University. He completed his B.Sc.(Hons) and M.S. in Geography from the University of Dhaka in 1983 and 1984, respectively, and stood first class first in both the examinations. He completed his Ph.D. in 1996 from the University of St. Andrews, UK under the Commonwealth Scholarship Program. Currently, He is the General Secretary of Bangladesh Association of Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows (BACSAF), the Alumni Association in Bangladesh acknowledged and supported by the Commonwealth Commission. Dr. Islam started his career as Lecture in Geography and Environment at Rajshahi University in 1990 and then moved to Chittagong University in 1998 as Founding Chairman of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies of that University. He was promoted to Professor in 2005. In 2008 he moved to Jagannath University and become the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of that University. He finally moved to Dhaka University as a Professor of Physical Geography in 2010. He was also a vising Professor of Nagoya University, Japan in 2006. Dr. Islam has more than 30 years’ experience on various issues of natural environment, including geomorphology, coastal environment and dynamics, sea-level changes, physical oceanography, paleo-environment, hydro-metrological hazards, and disaster management. He has more than 75 research publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals and books and has published seven books. He has been teaching; Oceanography & Marine Environment, and Research methodology: Field Techniques & Lab Techniques at undergraduate levels; and Paleo-geomorphology, Climate Change & Disaster Management at Post-graduate level in Dhaka University.
Contact Information
Mailing Address: Department of Geography and Environment, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka, Dhaka – 1000.
☏ Phone: +880-2-9661900-59 Ex- 7265
Mobile: +880-1819-629965
Email: shahidul.geoenv@du.ac.bd
Website: www.shahiduldu.com